Futanari Palace

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Hello Futas, Futanari Fans, & Fantastic Folks Otherwise!

I am announcing my departure from FutanariPalace and am seeking someone to transfer ownership and management of the site, the server, and Patreon to you.

If you want to take over this place, handle the finances for paying for the site and server, and manage the technical details, let us know.

If no-one steps up to take ownership, then payments will stop and the FP website will disappear, the server will be erased shortly after, and everything will be gone. All images, stories, comments, posts, everything.

If multiple people step up to take ownership, you the community will decide which of them will take ownership. I will then work with that person to transfer control.

The deadline for a new owner is May 12th. This deadline may be extended for one additional month to June 12th if needed.

We love you all and are so proud of you, and want you to lead yourselves into the future you want most. Our future lies elsewhere.



The server is a virtual server run by soyoustart.com, a french canadian company. HEBERGEMENT OVH INC in Quebec.

The server is E3-SAT3-32 Server - E3-1231v3 - 32GB - 2x2To

The cost of the server is $60/month.

There is an additional yearly cost of $25 for domain renewal and DNS through Namecheap.

The "$70/month minimum monthly donations needed" is due to Patreon/PayPal fees, and taxes.

The size of FP on myBB is approximately 630MB, or at least that's how large the latest backup is.



is there a way to backup the stories on the site?: No, and yes. The only way to back up stories would be manually, one by one, copying and pasting and saving. This is not a task I can take on, but the new owner could.

Is there any chance of having it archived somewhere, even temporarily?: Not that I am aware of, no.

Any chance of you uploading at least the stories to a file or torrent?: Not that I am aware of or capable of doing myself. The new owner could have this knowledge and do this.
Sorry to see you go, although with how things have slowed down I wonder who can take up the mantle at this time. I do enjoy it, but time and such is difficult. Good luck.
is there a way to backup the stories on the site? Some are unique to FP, and a lot of authors have disappeared
I just want to say that Futanari Palace has played a decently sized role in my life. It helped shape and mold me into the degenerate that I am today. Without Futanari Palace, I might not have started creating my own erotic content to amuse myself and others. The creativity of the people using this site lit a spark in me that slowly grew into a cock-shaped fire that's still burning today. For that, I thank FP, and all the people that contributed to it over the years.
Took the mask off just for the occasion...

The passion is still there, the content mill is still running, and the moderation can keep up with the little activity we've got. So I see only two hurdles: financial and legal. If the shortfall in operating costs turn out to only be a few Patreon subs' worth each month I'm sure a few more of us can volunteer to make up for it. Meanwhile, people may not want ownership if they fear the infrastructure is too technical for them, or that its not feasible to operate /pay for them from their country of origin.

If you can be transparent about the operating costs and the way it's being hosted (aka "the stack"), it would help us make a more informed decision as to whether any of us can step up. And if even then, no one can, well then thanks for the memories. I know I will feel the FOMO (of having gone on a hiatus) for a long time to come :')
I just wanna take this opportunity to thank Futanari Palace for providing a platform for us to enjoy futa without prejudice. I also wanna thank FP for allowing me to post my futa fakes (which are unfortunately gone due to the migration years ago) and learn from the veterans (Retarded, By Azriel, Jess, just to name a few). This place was where I got my start and it will definitely hold a very special place in my heart.

Once again, thank you.
How distressing...
I would hope to help if it is feasible. But I don't know.
There is much I could say regarding this announcement, but I will simply state that had I the time and the skill, I would have taken over. However, I do not. My job keeps me too busy and my age is its own set of problems. I have been here for 14 years. I have seen a lot. Now at the end, the only thing I can think of is the sonnet "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Even if the miraculous occurs and a new owner is found, I, to be frank, look forward to retirement from the site myself. It needs newer, younger blood to keep going and young is no longer a word that can describe me.
Is there any chance of having it archived somewhere, even temporarily?
Don't have a clue of how large it is.
Hate to lose the stories section in particular.
Any chance of you uploading at least the stories to a file or torrent? So much work would be preserved
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