Futanari Palace

Full Version: Spoiler functionality restored
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I have installed a plugin that seems to have fixed spoilers. Please let me know if anything isn't working right.
(26th February 2021, 19:45)Echoen Wrote: [ -> ]I have installed a plugin that seems to have fixed spoilers. Please let me know if anything isn't working right.

I've noticed spoiler tags don't function properly if a single quote (') character is used in the title.


This opens like it should:

This doesn't:

At least, they're not working for me in Firefox. A fix would be appreciated!
Addendum: Looks like the spoiler tag doesn't work with ampersand (&) sign either.


[spoiler=Kid & Play]
No party Sad

There are probably other special characters the spoiler tag malfunctions with, but those are the ones I've noticed so far.
I will add this to the list of issues the staff needs to review.
I've noticed that spoiler tags also don't work properly if there are alignment tags directly around them.

This causes them to stay in the "open" state and you can't close the spoiler section.