Futanari Palace
Changelog - Printable Version

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Changelog - Naughty Faun - 29th July 2023

Some ongoing updates

Hi guys!

UPD: I think I'm gonna use this thread to report about my doings and to collect your feed back about it  Cool

I've made some updates on how image attachments are displayed. Please let me know if image previews stopped showing up for you.

Update/2024-10-19 by SwordMasterLink: Renamed to "Changelog" we can pick up here, integrating and expanding.

RE: Some updates for image attachments display - Keahi19 - 31st July 2023

Cool have to see later.

RE: Some ongoing updates - Naughty Faun - 4th August 2023

Also some stories that were inaccessible due to tick (') letter or funky letters in the spoiler title can now be expanded!

Although there are many posts in stories forum that are still screwed for various reasons, I'm gradually trying to fix and clean them up.

Btw, since there are STILL no button in the text editor for the spoiler here's how to type it yourself (but don't copypaste! it won't work that way):
[spoiler=Awesome title without any quotes!]Something under the spoiler[/spoiler]
Result will be like this:

RE: Some ongoing updates - dxasmodeus - 4th August 2023

Words cannot describe how genuinely grateful the Staff is for your continued efforts to bring the forum up to speed.

RE: Changelog - Q - 21st October 2024

Introducing the Changelog

Dear Futanari friends,
so that we share our stories of the world, of what is true; of what we hope for, what we strive for, and what is particularly and directly happening, herewith..

..I would like to introduce a way of communicating regular updates on changes we make. Ranging from minor changes we make, to major ones -- with this 'Changelog'

Today I..
  • configured browser local caching through the Cache-Control header,
  • and unstickied some older news items.

RE: Changelog - Q - 22nd October 2024

Group Permissions:

User Titles. Introduced two new User Titles, depending on number of Posts:
  • Sr. Posting Freak
  • Major Futanari Enthusiast

Congratulations on the 101 users who received the new titles.

(Note: Former Moderators/Admins don't get these, as they are of group 'Knight')

RE: Changelog - Q - 23rd October 2024

Bugfix: Apparently our MyBB's settings.php got somewhat resetted (resulting in login malfunctioning, as the login button was pointing to the wrong DNS/TLD). Prepended "www." again to our site url. So all should be back to normal.

RE: Changelog - Q - 27th October 2024

Story Listing:
  • I threw in Bootstrap for styling
  • Changed sorting order to newest stories/threads first
  • Added Backlink to Forum thread
  • Increased maximum shown letters
  • Automatic balancing of broken Spoiler-Tags with closing spoiler tag
  • Made it responsive

It would benefit from some kind of marking mechanism, which Threads actually do contain stories.


While we do the story listing, it would be a nice feature -- if we could have that without too much programming -- if we could a  'Reading List' similar to Netflix and others have a Watchlist/My List for things one wants to be reading somewhen in the indeterminate future.   So you could be 'adding' Stories who's premise sounds interesting onto your Reading List.  Stretch goals (i.e. optional goals) could be a convenient way to make these stories even more accessible for you e.g. provide a pdf export, provide a bulk pdf export, and have a 'Send to Kindle' button which would email them stories to the functional kindle email addresses which amazon provides automatically for your kindles.

RE: Changelog - Q - 31st October 2024

Added Patreon Button to our default theme (light).

Update 2025-01-25 copied the Logo and it's CSS to the other theme as well; I hope everyone should see the Patreon Logo now.

RE: Changelog - Q - 26th January 2025

Text Conversion: Futanari Palace staff had the great idea to search in some old .tar.gz files for old versions of stories posted on FP. I could find a lot of them older texts/stories therein. Now the Database queries (SQL) are running to do the text conversion into Unicode properly (with the proper SQL conversion function) and to figure out which post IDs match. I am now 14 days into running them SQL queries on separate tables. So far, about 2 of roughly 8 big SQL-queries are through.

Update 30th january: 2 more queries ran through.  Now I am facing the problem that the old database did NOT store editing times. So I can not easily tell where stories might have changed/received updates in between the current forum's database and the old database. So to be able to safely overwrite Forum's posts I have to additionally run some time intensive diff on the old texts and new texts, if the alterations to new posts where minor (like 2 % of all letters or so).  That'll take some more time.