I'm a fellow futa fan, of course. I've been into futa for a while now and it has had quite the impact on my life and my art. Id like to chat, share my art and hopefully meet others who appreciate this wonderous niche as much as i do!
Excited to join! Obviously I enjoy a good futa animation/art piece, but specifically futa on futa and a dash of female to futa transformation. I'm somewhat new to this scene, so I'm sure my tastes may change and grow over time. Hope to get to know some others and make some friends! Open to suggestions and I will share some of my favs from time to time.
Hey! I don't know how many folks are active on here at the moment but I only recently found out about this great site!
My #1 reason for coming here was to find works by Grendel, my absolute favorite...but I don't have anything newer than like 2013-2014! Of course his thread doesn't have attachments sadly, and the links that kind souls put up with all his newer stuff to download don't work any longer.
I feel bad coupling my introduction with a request but if anyone can help point me in the right direction I would be forever grateful!
Hi, I am new to this forum, nice to meet you all.
I am an amateur hentai artist and animator, still learning most of the basics.
My favorite are usually futaxfuta, but I have a liking in general for hentai be it femboys, malexmale and even vanilla. ^^
I also hope you don't mind me posting some of my future work in here, despiting being rather amatur-ish.
Hey everyone! I love futanari's! I love reading futa stories and especially love buff futas. I don't really like futa on male but I love futa cuck. I found this website when looking for futa sites in general and I am sure that this is the best place for content. I am most looking forward to exploring the stories section as good stories always inspire me to write my own. I would love to be able to join this community fully!
Hi everyone! I am a huge fan of girl schlongs, and very happy to find this forum! On of my bigger fetish combos with futa is futa bulge and futas getting erect, something just so satisfying ?. I am excited to be part of this community!
As we approach the six month mark of the transition to MyBB, I am happy to report that the site is stable. This stability has continued despite the weekly attacks that our server host detects and vacuums up, and the occasional script-kiddie hack attempt. I wanted to wait half a year before mentioning any of these publicly lest some jackass decide to hit us right as we were getting things set up or trying to fix other issues.
Yet as you may have noticed, the site appears and functions essentially exactly as it did when we first migrated to myBB. The individuals (myself included) with the technical knowledge of how to do anything have been completely busy with our careers outside FP, and what little time we've been able to carve out to hammer at either the attachment import, the theme/layout, or other quality-of-life features did not actually result in much improvement. This was especially true starting in March as the demands of reality and the offline life meant that little progress was made on anything that would even warrant an update. I apologize for setting the expectation that there would be monthly updates in the first place; tech does not move forward at a monthly rate.
Futanari Palace will remain as it is for as long as donations continue to pay for the costs. Current donation levels pay for monthly expenses and enough to pay for the yearly expenses, so there should be no fear that FP will vanish. Stable site, stable community, stable funding - existence has largely been automated.
Unfortunately, improvements are not automated. Finding trustworthy people with technical skills who are willing to work on an adult website for no pay is also not automated. At best, pick three. Most often, pick two.
The remaining technical staff are available only in an emergency situation. Recruitment of new technical staff has failed, and I do not have the capacity to continue searching, interviewing, and verifying. Our administrative staff is also limited to 'emergency response only' likewise due to the demands of their own lives. I do have to shout-out to Dxasmodeus for stepping up and assuming many roles that had formerly been spread out amongst a wide range of administrative positions.
What's next for Futanari Palace?
You, the community, control the future of this site. All this technical stuff and back-end jargon is just a means to an end, the end being to deliver a healthy, horny, sustainable community for Futanari lovers, people who self-identify as Futanari, our allies, and all the adjacent kink-friendly communities that either spun off from us, grew up around us, or inherited some of our mantles.
We need trustworthy people with technical skills willing to work on this adult website for no pay. These people will either come from this community or be recruited by people in this community. Until new tech staff come on board and get vetted, the site will continue as-is indefinitely. However, there is the possibility to just hire someone if the FP community bands together to self-fund a one-time payment for a professional service to do 'all the things' you want done. I do have the capacity to manage and oversee that person, but I will not start any major fundraising effort to do so.
Furthermore, if you want to join the administrative team and just generally help out, that's OK too. There isn't much to actually... do... since more or less any bad-faith jerks have been weeded out of this community long ago and the current infrastructure stops the bots. This isn't an open call for people to join the admin team; I'm just not going to outright say no off the bat. Hah. Bat. Because I'm a futanari bat furry.
Thank you for your patience and generosity towards this community that's nearing 20 years of existence. Please continue to be kind to the newcomers who still join this site every week and share the very best of what FP has to offer.