Futanari Palace

Full Version: Email issue (crutch) solved
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Hey guys!

TL;DR Forum emails kinda work. The sender will be futanaripalacestaff@gmail.com

As you might've known we had some serious malfunction in our mailing service, aka "it didn't work at all"  Dodgy
We couldn't figure out exactly what went wrong, but presumably hosting provider restricted some functionality on their side, which in turn broke our stuff...

I've setup some temporary solution for the case, so now new users should be able to register and receive verification email, existing users should be able to reset their passwords, etc etc.

If you still don't receive the email, your best option is to try next day, as current solution has some daily usage limits.

As usual, keep an eye on email sender, and don't click links in emails you've never requested from the forum. There are still, for some wild reasons, people who want to hack the forum and steal credentials for bots or who knows what purposes... I seriously doubt they do it for the sake of grabbing more futa for themselves tho Big Grin

If you have any questions, please let me know.

UPD: Check your spam folder! My test account verification email went there from the get go...
OOH thanks for getting that solved for us. ^_^