Futanari Palace

Full Version: Attachment File Size Issue
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We are aware of the issue regarding the attachment file size. The setting is easily adjusted, but the staff is holding off until the final bugs are worked out of the attachment import process. Once these bugs are worked out, the strict limit will be lifted. Thank you for your patience.
(11th February 2021, 21:58)dxasmodeus Wrote: [ -> ]Folks,

We are aware of the issue regarding the attachment file size. The setting is easily adjusted, but the staff is holding off until the final bugs are worked out of the attachment import process. Once these bugs are worked out, the strict limit will be lifted. Thank you for your patience.

As someone that is looking forward to getting back to rampant picture uploading, I'm happy to hear this!

My "To be uploaded" folder just recently reached 2k pictures, so you had better be ready...
My maximum signature length is 0 characters. What’s up with that?
(13th February 2021, 22:16)alansmithy555 Wrote: [ -> ]My maximum signature length is 0 characters. What’s up with that?

The last I checked that setting, it is set to unlimited. Is anyone else running into this issue?
Any update on a resolution with attachment size issue? I know you guys have a lot on your plate with the new site, but the 500kb limitation is getting frustrating.
I have nothing to report at this time. I will discuss it with Echoen to see if it would be prudent to expand the limit or wait.
Attachment file size limitations have been dramatically increased.

One single post may now have up to 16MB of attachments.

You may now select to upload up to 100 attachments at a time, up to that 16MB limit.

The file size limitation has been increased significantly, to a file size max of 4MB.

I have tested with some of my own furry porn, https://futanaripalace.com/showthread.php?tid=43471
(16th April 2021, 18:52)Echoen Wrote: [ -> ]Attachment file size limitations have been dramatically increased.

One single post may now have up to 16MB of attachments.

You may now select to upload up to 100 attachments at a time, up to that 16MB limit.

The file size limitation has been increased significantly, to a file size max of 4MB.

I have tested with some of my own furry porn, https://futanaripalace.com/showthread.php?tid=43471

Wonderful, just successfully updated my thread - thank you very much.