Futanari Palace

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The following is a list of known issues with the new forum software. Please read this list. We ask that you DO NOT report any issue on this list. Known issues that are in strikethrough have been resolved.
  • Spoiler Tags not working properly: The plugin for the Spoiler function is not yet in place. All spoilers are exposed and in very small text.
  • Attachments not Displayed - Showing Code Text: The Forum software is still importing all of the attachments from the old forum. It will be towards the end of the month before the import is complete due to the sheer volume of attachments.
  • Forum Loading Slowly/Forum no Reloading Threads after Posting: Most likely due to the import process still running. Any posts made are still present despite the hang. Reload the page.
  • Extremely strict file size limit on Attachments. This setting will be adjusted after the attachment import process has been fully migrated. The staff is currently resolving the coding issue.
Issues with signature character limit.

There appears to be a bug in the forum software preventing the removal of the character limit from signatures. Until the issue is resolved, the forum is currently set for 1000 characters maximum for signatures.
Correction, "It will be towards the end of the month before the import is complete due to the sheer volume of attachments." It may be until March or April when the import is complete.